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PHRP in the news

Australia’s young drinkers report unwanted sexual attention, violence

More than 70 per cent of young women who drink at risky levels report receiving unwanted sexual attention from their peers, while more than a third of young drinkers have witnessed serious violence. In the largest survey of Australian adolescent regular drinkers to date, published in Public Health Research and Practice on Wednesday, researchers from seven universities […]

Sydney Morning Herald

The ‘revolving door’ for health lobbyists

Mention the ‘revolving door’ between politics and industry and the most recent examples of Julie Bishop and Christopher Pyne might spring to mind. Both the former foreign minister and the former defence minister took up consultancy roles connected with their government portfolios after quitting politics at the last election. But other senior politicians – together […]

ABC RN: Sunday Extra

Lobbyists’ ‘revolving door’ poses risk to public health, study says

The revolving door between roles in the Australian government and lobbyists for the alcohol, food and gambling industries poses a risk to public health, a new study claims.  A third of the people on the Australian government register of lobbyists stated they’d formerly been a government representative, with half of those whose careers were examined […]

Canberra Times

Politicians who become lobbyists can be bad for Australian’s health

The impacts of heavy drinking, gambling and unhealthy food are among the leading causes of preventable health harm in Australia. And for the most part, we know what to do to reduce them. Most of us would hope the policies governments introduce are based n the best available evidence. However, our study published today suggests […]

The Conversation

Revolving door between politics and lobbying undermines good policy – report

The revolving door between Australian government and the gambling, alcohol and food industries is threatening public health and undermining evidence-based policy, a new report has warned. A study published on Wednesday analysed the backgrounds of 560 lobbyists listed on the federal lobbyist register, including 197 who declared they had previously worked within government. Researchers were […]

Guardian Australia

Cancer screening programs: challenges and future directions

Australia’s cancer screening programs have successfully reduced the burden of cancer on our community but it is important that we continue to question their role and evaluate their performance. Read Croakey’s article on the key findings from the PHRP Cancer Screening issue.


Experts urge a rethink on screening for lung cancer

Screening for lung cancer has long been seen as too expensive and sometimes too unreliable. But with the disease now recognised as the deadliest type of cancer in Australia, experts are urging a lifesaving rethink on how to detect it early. Listen to the report on the PHRP paper on SBS World News Radio

SBS World News Radio

Mounting evidence for screening program for Australia’s deadliest cancer

Lung cancer is the most lethal of all cancers. But despite killing 9,000 Australians each year, there’s no national screening program like those available for breast, cervical and bowel cancers. It’s largely because until now, there hasn’t been a body of evidence on the screening’s cost effectiveness. However, a paper published today says the evidence […]

ABC Radio National Breakfast

Kids just need some sand and a swing to get enough play

Families do not need large gardens to ensure preschoolers get enough outdoor play at home. A sandpit, swing or cubby house is enough, according to a study of 1600 Perth preschoolers. Researchers at University of WA’s School of Population and Global Health and Telethon Kids Institute examined how children spent their home time outdoors. “This […]

The West Australian

Case study: mental health services still struggling in the NDIS era

There is ongoing concern that certain mental health services are struggling to survive after their funding was shifted to the National Disability Insurance Scheme, despite being designed to serve a wider group than the 64,000 people with psychosocial disabilities thought to be eligible. A recent case study produced by Canberra’s Woden Community Service shows the […]

The Mandarin