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PHRP in the news

Vaccine expert Julie Leask says internet outrage about vaccination risks make problem worse

Don’t feed the trolls. It’s advice always better heeded than not, but one of Australia’s immunisation experts says it is particularly important when it comes to vaccine deniers. University of Sydney Associate Professor Julie Leask says the trend towards collective moral outrage about people who don’t vaccinate their children risks making the problem worse. Read […]

The Sydney Morning Herald

How you get to work, your health and are cities really liveable?

Researchers studied the daily incidental physical activity of people living in Melbourne. They investigated health and economic impacts of mode of transport and suburban location. And there is also an attempt underway to devise liveable indicators for cities that take health into account and which can be based in urban design and planning cities that […]

The Health Report

What makes a city liveable? Some answers from a new public health journal

A new online, open access journal, Public Health Research and Practice, has been launched by the Sax Institute. You can find out more about it below from editor Anne Messenger, who is also tweeting this week for @WePublicHealth. Read the full article on the Croakey website.      


Canberra to participate in national health study on liveable cities

The ACT will participate in a major study to measure the liveability of Australian cities and what planning measures have the best impact on the health of residents. The National Liveability Study will measure “liveability” from a health perspective and will look at five indicators such as access to transport, public open spaces, “walkability” as […]

The Canberra Times