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Media Releases

PHRP Awards recognise exceptional public health research with real impact

Media release: 16 December 2021 Two COVID-themed papers – one on the gaps in Australia’s health literacy during the early days of the pandemic, and another on communicating COVID information to culturally and linguistically diverse communities – have been honoured in this year’s PHRP Excellence Awards. The awards celebrate outstanding papers that have been published this […]

Public Health Research & Practice

Call for targeted ear screening as research shows 1 in 10 disadvantaged children have hearing loss

Media release: 2 December 2021 Ear health experts are calling for targeted screening programs in children during their critical learning years, as new research shows high rates of hearing loss in children from socio-economically disadvantaged backgrounds. The research is published in Public Health Research & Practice, a peer-reviewed journal of the Sax Institute, in a […]

Public Health Research & Practice

Renewed government push needed to prevent skin cancers – especially among Australian teens

Media release: 22 November 2021 Australia risks losing important gains in skin cancer prevention, amid signs that young people have stopped heeding protective messages, experts write in a paper published today. The paper, published in Public Health Research & Practice, a peer-reviewed journal of the Sax Institute, reports that there has been no national investment […]

Public Health Research & Practice

Less than 2% of global health funding being spent on investments in or research into health systems

Media release: 10 November 2021 National governments and global funders are failing to invest sufficiently in strengthening health systems, despite shortcomings exposed by the COVID-19 pandemic, experts argue in a series of papers published today. A special issue of Public Health Research & Practice, a peer-reviewed journal of the Sax Institute, provides the most comprehensive […]

Public Health Research & Practice

Cutting cataract surgery wait times would prevent thousands of falls while also saving money, research finds

Media release: 27 October 2021 Waiting times for cataract surgery in the public health system can be as long as two and a half years in some parts of Australia, but cutting waits to just three months would significantly reduce the number of avoidable falls while also saving public money, according to a new analysis […]

Public Health Research & Practice

Boom in home-delivered alcohol opens the door to underage drinking

Media release: 13 October 2021 A rapid expansion in online liquor delivery services is making it easier for minors to obtain alcohol, due to regulatory holes and non-compliance with legal requirements, say the authors of a study published today. Reporting in Public Health Research & Practice, a peer-reviewed journal of the Sax Institute, researchers from […]

Public Health Research & Practice

Making the tough decisions: what it will mean to live with COVID-19

Media release: 8 September 2021 Patchy uptake of COVID-19 vaccines across cities and regions means Australia’s public health measures are likely to continue well into next year, with a leading epidemiologist predicting the country will achieve tolerable disease control by early 2022. Writing in Public Health Research & Practice, a peer-reviewed journal of the Sax […]

Public Health Research & Practice

Big Alcohol flouts its own rules on social media marketing to children

Media Release: 28 July 2021 Some of Australia’s largest alcohol companies are allowing children to access their marketing on popular social networking sites such as Instagram, contravening the industry’s own requirements, new research finds. The study, published today in Public Health Research & Practice, a peer-reviewed journal of the Sax Institute, is the first to […]

Health impacts neglected in major infrastructure planning

Media Release: 9 June 2021 Health impacts of major transport projects are too often glossed over during the planning phases, allowing issues such as air and noise pollution, residents’ mental health and impact on children’s health to escape the scrutiny they deserve, according to the authors of a new paper published today. With governments across […]

Indigenous leaders call for an end to racism in the health system

Media Release: 10 March 2021 Deep-seated resistance to addressing institutional and systemic racism in our health system is thwarting progress towards improving the health and wellbeing of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Australians, say Indigenous leaders in an important paper published today. The authors of the Perspective, published in Public Health Research & Practice, a […]