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Media Releases

Improved self-harm reporting in NSW emergency departments an advance in suicide prevention

Media release: 16 February 2023 An improved system for reporting on cases of self-harm and suicide-related behaviours in NSW hospital emergency departments (EDs) has more than doubled the estimated annual number of cases identified, according to research published today. Published online early in Public Health Research & Practice, a peer-reviewed journal of the Sax Institute, […]

Public Health Research & Practice

The 45 and Up Study: how Australia’s largest longitudinal study is reshaping our understanding of healthy ageing

Media release: 13 December 2022 Australia’s largest ongoing study of healthy ageing has reached an important milestone with over 15 years of high impact research showcased in a special issue of Public Health Research & Practice published today. Managed by the Sax Institute, the 45 and Up Study has been following over 250,000 people aged […]

Public Health Research & Practice

Research reveals gaps in policy to protect Australians from genetic discrimination in life insurance

Media release: 13 December 2022 Researchers have called for the Australian Government to take action to protect consumers seeking life insurance from discrimination based on genetic test results, after finding that a current voluntary moratorium falls well short of recommendations from a Parliamentary inquiry. They warn that genetic discrimination leads to significant health harms, including […]

Public Health Research & Practice

Study provides reassurance around the impact of COVID-related breast screening delays

Media release: 8 December 2022 The suspension of breast screening services in 2020 to limit the risk of COVID-19 transmission does not appear to be resulting in a feared wave of more advanced breast cancers, according to a newly published analysis of NSW healthcare data. Published today in Public Health Research & Practice, a peer-reviewed […]

Public Health Research & Practice

PHRP Awards recognise outstanding public health research that matters for policy and practice

Media release: 17 November 2022 A paper calling for a renewed focus on skin cancer prevention in Australia and another on lessons from three waves of the COVID-19 pandemic have been honoured in this year’s PHRP Excellence Awards. The awards celebrate outstanding papers that have been published in the last 12 months in Public Health Research […]

Public Health Research & Practice

Teens forgotten in obesity prevention, as virtual world poses increasing risk

Media release: 12 October 2022 Obesity prevention strategies that target adolescence – a crucial period for developing healthy behaviours – are disjointed, piecemeal and underfunded, and are failing to respond to the added challenges posed by today’s technology-fixated culture, leading adolescent obesity experts warn. In a paper published today in Public Health Research & Practice, […]

Public Health Research & Practice

More than a slogan: the opportunities and challenges of co-production in public health research

Media release: 15 June 2022 Co-production – a collaborative model of research that involves stakeholders at each stage of the research process – cannot simply be a slogan and must be backed by resources and capacity development, experts argue in an editorial published today. The editorial accompanies a special issue of Public Health Research & […]

Public Health Research & Practice

Experts warn of injury risks due to cosmetic radiation procedures

Media release: 31 March 2022 The use of radiation for common cosmetic procedures such as hair removal and skin rejuvenation is growing in popularity, but consumers are at risk of injuries such as burns, blistering, scarring and eye damage, experts warn in a paper published today. The article, published in Public Health Research & Practice, […]

Public Health Research & Practice

Two in three Australians will develop common skin cancers as incidence rises, new research shows

Media release: 10 March 2022 More than two thirds of Australians will be treated for the most common skin cancers in their lifetime, with rates increasing by up to 6% a year over the past three decades, according to new research published today. The paper, which presents the latest evidence on the incidence of basal […]

Public Health Research & Practice

Summer alert: experts urge investment in skin cancer prevention to save lives and dollars

Media release: 22 December 2021 Investing in skin cancer prevention programs could not only save lives but also significantly cut treatment costs, currently running at close to $2 billion dollars a year, say experts in a new health economics paper published today. The paper, which provides an overview of recent research into the economics of skin […]

Public Health Research & Practice